We’re Celebrating Labor Day With Some Labor Carts

Labor Day Blog Feature

On this special day, Cartstrong would like to extend our warmest wishes to our clients, the driving force behind our success. Your dedication and hard work inspire us every day. Thank you for being an essential part of our journey. We hope you enjoy your well-deserved break and we look forward to more great collaborations in the future.

Happy Labor Day!

And don’t forget to check out our Delivery Carts, Fetal Monitor Carts, and Bassinets, which come in a number of different finishes and colors. Click the buttons below for more information.

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Delivery Carts

Providing stylish and secure storage for all of your medical needs, delivery carts can be configured with custom dimensions, drawer configurations and work surfaces.

Fetal Monitor Carts

Fetal monitor carts are an attractive alternative for storing equipment. Fully customizable, these carts are designed to meet clients’ unique needs without compromising esthetics.

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Our bassinets are designed to provide excellent visibility of infant patients and convenient storage options. We also offer accessories including tubs, chart holders and mattress pads.

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